What is his name? Scott Thyssen Andersen aka Skippy
How long have we been married? 6 1/2 years
How old is he? 32- 33 in one more month!
Who eats more? He does, hands down.
Who said I love you first? I did, I was a little stalkerish when we first got together.
Who is taller? We see eye-to-eye
Who sings better? It's a toss-up
Whose temper is worse? His, I don't really have one.
Who is smarter? I am more witty, but his memory is better.
Who mows the lawn? He does
Who pays the bills? I do
Who does the dishes? I do
Who cooks dinner?He does- he's soooo good at cooking!
Who drives when you are together? He does, he's totally mocho that way.
Who is more stubborn? I'm not stubborn :)
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? it's even
Who has more friends? He does, he's way more friendly than I am.
Who wears the pants in the family? He usually has the final say
Jill, Emily- You're it!!!