For those of you who don't know, I've gone back to work for this school year. This means that I will only be updating my blog every few months and each entry will have a TON of pictures. I FINALLY uploaded my pics so here's what we've been up to the last few months.
Belen and Cody still love eachother
Belen and Thyssen still love to eat. We traded in this (actually dumped it in the ally, but you know..) For this- a 42inch Plasma (it's awesome!) Hung out with T-n-A Admitted Belen to rehab. Took 2 good mom-shots of Belen
Played with cousins at Nonni and Papa's Forced Uly into a floaty boat Walked Belen down the isle
Turned in Skippy to Gang Intervention Watched Thyssen fall and bump his head- AGAIN- he doesn't even cry anymore. Made some cute stuff for Thorey's Shower
Ate some good stuff at Thorey's Shower Took a cute picture of my then prego sister, Thorey
(who had a beautiful baby girl last Tuesday!)
Well, that's our story- see you all again in a few months!!