Monday, August 5, 2013

8 is GREAT! Belen's Birthday and Baptism

Our BEAUTIFUL, FUN, SWEET, CREATIVE, FUNNY little girl turned 8!!  I cannot believe it's been eight years since this special little girl made me a mommy.  She has been nothing but a comeplete joy in my life.  She is the PERFECT child.   She has the sweetest, kindests disposition and loves to love others.  Being kind and generous comes naturally to her and she is just an amazing genuine girl with a big big heart.  I love you, my Maria Belen!

She wanted her party at the skating rink.. which I was happy to comply with since I had MY eighth birthday at a skating rink too and remember it being so special.   She had a wonderful time skating and enjoying her friends and family. 

Aunt Thorey, Winnie, and Gina

Aunt Trena and Maggie

Our CUTE bday girl!

She asked everyone for CASH to spend at American Girl.

Thy and his bud, Jose

Belen and Regan




 Belen was baptized right before New Years.   Since she is a Christmas baby, it was only fitting for her to wear a beautiful fancy Christmas dress as her baptism dress!   (Thank you, Julie, for doing her pics!)

 So cute in the jumpsuit!

Daddy was ready and excited!

All her local Aunts and Uncles took part in the program.

                                             Celebrating our Christmas baby on Christmas day!

                                                               What a wonderful, happy day! 
                          I'm so thankful for everyone who came to support Belen and celebrate with us!

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